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Lynda M. Korimboccus

Lynda holds an MA in Anthrozoology from the University of Exeter and her academic background is in Applied Philosophy, Politics, Social Psychology and Sociology, the latter of which she has taught for the last 14 years as a Further Education Lecturer at West Lothian College in Scotland.

Prior to that, Lynda was Campaigns Manager for a national animal protection organisation as well as founding and chairing many Scottish grassroots groups, campaigns and events since going vegan in 1999.

Familiar with quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods in both UG and PG work, Lynda has conducted: unstructured interviews and their thematic analysis; content analysis of online media; and survey methods by way of structured interviews, online surveys and questionnaires.

Her current research focuses on how society is taught to view animals in different ways so it remains comfortable with their edibility and exploitation. The resulting contradictions between beliefs and behaviours regarding individual attitudes to animals is her particular interest.

korimboccus_lynda_m.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/10 06:21 by admin