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Postgraduate Animal Studies Symposium (PASS)

Two-day interdisciplinary training & conference event for PGRs working in animal studies.

24-25 May 2021, online

Organized by the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow

Sport, Animals, and Ethics Conference

25-29 May 2021, free online event

From Tuesday, May 25th through Saturday, May 29th, 2021, the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, USA will host a virtual conference on Sport, Animals, and Ethics. We are inviting papers focused on ethical issues related to the involvement of animals in the context of sport, recreation, or leisure. We welcome a wide spectrum of submissions; e.g., from direct use such as hunting animals to indirect involvement; e.g., the environmental/animal impact of golf courses.

We invite a multidisciplinary audience. Those with expertise in philosophy, ethics, environmentalism, law, sport, recreation, leisure, and other fields are encouraged to participate with the understanding that the conference theme is focused on ethics and the interplay of sports and animals. Submissions are welcome from all academics, including graduate students and freelance writers.

events/2021-05/day-2021-05-25.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/23 06:02 by admin