Eze Paez es doctor en Filosofía Moral por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, donde también obtuvo su licenciatura y máster en Derecho. Actualmente es Investigador FCT para el Grupo de Teoría Política del Centro de Estudos Humanísticos de la Universidade do Minho (CEHUM) y miembro del comité científico del UPF Centre for Animal Ethics. Además de su actividad académica, es activista en defensa de los otros animales, siendo miembro de la organización Ética Animal, como cuyo portavoz ha impartido diversas conferencias en países de Europa y América Latina.
Postdoctoral Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society of the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) and board member of the UPF Centre for Animal Ethics (Barcelona, Spain). Previously, lecturer in legal theory, moral and political philosophy at Pompeu Fabra University, where he received his PhD in moral philosophy.
Currently working on what we owe to nonhuman animals on rule-consequentialism. Recently he wrote on the badness of death and the ethics of killing and saving animals on hedonistic act-utilitarianism. Also interested in the intersection between population ethics and animal ethics. His earliest work dealt with the ontological and normative aspects of abortion.