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NYU Animal Studies

NYU Animal Studies was established in 2010 to represent and contribute to this rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. An integral part of the NYU Department of Environmental Studies, we draw faculty and students from many other departments in the Faculty of Arts and Science; the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; and the Tisch School of the Arts. We administer an Animal Studies Minor (one of the first in the country) and an Animal Studies M.A. Program (one of the first in the world), support graduate and post-doctoral research and teaching, and present a rich annual program of public lectures, workshops, and conferences. Our Mission

To develop and administer courses and degree programs in Animal Studies.

To contribute to the development of Animal Studies by supporting intellectually and empirically rigorous scholarship on animals and our relationships with them.

To start new conversations about animals, how we understand and represent their diversity and complexity, and how to best protect them and raise awareness about their importance.

To build bridges between academic fields, and between academia and society, in the study of animals and our interactions with them.

nyu_animal_studies.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/16 06:27 by admin